David Cuartielles and I thrilled to be visiting University of San Diego care of the Jacobs Institute of Innovation in Education Vitaly Popov and Yaoran Lee together with Ju-Ling Shih and her team from the National University of Tainan. University of San Diego has received an NSF grant for STEMWoW to develop and research a program to inspire young people to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. We are running some design technology pilots with different technologies that include David’s new IR Badges for EDU Research that I helped inspire him to make. In addition, we are running a new version of the STEAMING the Ships for Great Voyage that now takes place around Jupiter’s Calisto moon. Plus, a lot of MMLA testing using the Social Signal Interpretation Framework (SSI) for facial emotion tracking, smiles and the elusive ah-ha moment for learning (flow). In addition, we are continuing the body-tracking work to see how we can push forward the work from PELARS.