Daniel Spikol, PhD
I am a Scientist, educator, and creative technologist investigating how people learn and play. Currently working for the University of Copenhagen, Departments of Computer Science and Science Education at the Center for Digital Education.
From 2011-2021, I worked for Malmö University in the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology. I previously worked for Linnæus University and RISE’s Interactive Institute. My passion is to design and develop digital experiences to provoke people’s curiosity to explore the physical and digital world around them. My background combines design, digital art, and computer science to investigate how people learn and play. I have 60+ scientific publications and digital art installations. Additionally, I have worked for different companies, founded several companies, and actively works to integrate design, science, industry, and culture. My current research looks at understanding how people collaborate to solve open-ended design tasks with physical computing with the aim to inspire learners for computational tinkering and thinking.
The CV
More information about my work: Center for Digital Education